Wednesday, September 7, 2011

August 16, 2011

[Editor's Note...I am a full 4 emails behind!  Sorry everyone.  Life is crazy.  Anyway, I usually edit Chris' emails for punctuation so they are easier to read, but since I am so behind you get Chris at his totally natural email state.  Enjoy!]

What is up?

I am going to send a couple of photos of Elder Towner and I. They are pretty awesome! but they are not sending to me yet. some problem or something. Gualeguaychu is a mix of South American culture and European. there are soo many europeans here. its pretty awesome but it just reminds me so much of europe. 

so we had a pretty good week. we had another baptism. ¨Her name is Gabriela. My companion baptized her saturday. She has waited 2 years to be finally be baptized. she has read the book of mormon 3 times and has a really strong testimony. so that was really awesome. The branch is doing pretty good here.we had a combined family home evening last thursday. we played the Adams Family game with the Whole branch. lol so funny. we had a great turn out and everyone was happy and laughing heartily. we did quite a bit of work this week we taught some good lessons. we taught this man named Julio and we taught him the importance of the book of mormon. It was awesome and my testimony of the book of mormon grew quite a bit. I know that it is the word of God translated by a prophet of God. it was cool everything is going great for him and his family is doing great too. 

so I had 2 impressive lunches this week. lol I cant help but just talk of food. The first was really good! its a Argentina classic. lol well in my book it is. its thinly fried chicken called a milenesa, fried egg, tomato, and mayonnaise. all of this on french bread for a pretty good sandwich. the other was a soup or Giso of mundungo. lol I dont know why but the people here just love mundungo. its like the 6 time I have eaten it. it is the stomach of a cow. lol really chewy. the really funny part is that it has these little fibers on it and so its like eating a towel. so we had fun eating that. I had 3 plate fulls of it. we had another missionary staying with us. Elder Cortez from El Salvador. lol he hates mundungo! he was having a really difficult time putting the mundungo down. I am starting to get used to it. 

transfers are tomorrow and I am going to stay in Gualeguaychu. I am being put with an Elder Romero from Argentina. He only speaks spanish and soooooooo I will only be speaking spanish for a whole month. lol this will be great and difficult. if I dont learn spanish well with him, I will never learn spanish. I am already able to get by with my spanish and I am developing an argentine accent with my spanish. so it will be awesome. everything is going great! it was great to hear from you. thanks for the emails. The Church of Jesus Christ is the true church and we have all the doctrine to help us return to live with our families forever. We had a tough experience and was told some hurtfull things. but it definitely strengthened my testimony and I felt the Holy Ghost telling me that what we were talking about was true! no doubt! hope everything is going well. Rachel and Paul have fun going back to school! Steph, Ryan, Allison, Jon, and everyone I love you a ton and am grateful for your examples in my life. I will talk with you all later! have a great day!!!! and week.

Elder Chris Gibbs

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