Wednesday, September 7, 2011

August 29, 2011

So this week has been good! lol we are working pretty hard! and playing lots of soccer. lol that is what you get when you have a latin companion. my companion, Elder Romero is way cool and way chill and is helping me a lot with my spanish and teaching too. We have been teaching quite a bit of families and they are progressing quite well. so we started out the week by going to concepcion de Uruguay. we went there for pday and spent the night there because we were leaving in the morning for Paraná. so we woke up and went to paraná and had a mission conference. everything went well. we finished with that and left to go to the bus station. lol and one of my friends was going to walmart and so I told him, if you see peanut butter, buy it for me! lol so he did and he bought it for me. Peanut butter is really hard to come by in argentina. but so now I have peanut butter! I am excited about that! 

so our investigatores are progressing real well but they didnt show up for church yesterday!!! lol they all said that they would. but they didnt. lol but we are not going to give up! cause giving up is for quiters and we are not quiters! so it was way cool my companion said okay so i am going to let you learn how to be senior comp and let you handle  everything. and I was like.........Okay! so I chose where we went and who we were going to teach. also he let me take the lead in teaching the lessons which was a little difficult but fun. I am getting more and more used to teaching which is fun and at the same time not fun. haha so I kind of have mixed feelings towards teaching. so my companion is the district leader and so we had to go to concepcion de uruguay again to do a baptismal interview which didnt happen for some reason. we had some time to kill there and so we played soccer. 

I was the only north american there. lol all latinos and they all killed me in soccer. as in they were a ton better than me and they pretty much almost killed me. I was going to kick the ball after the goalie had just blocked it and right when I was about to kick it, I got kicked in the back of the leg by the bishop of the ward. lol it wasnt on purpose and it didnt hurt to bad. it was just funny. we were on the same team. he didnt see me and went to jump kick the ball into the goal. and just happened to jump kick me in the leg. later I decided to take a little break and went to be goalie and that also turned out to be a mistake cause argentines love to kick the ball really hard into the goal. but all in all I came out alright. a couple of scrapes no more than that. but we came back to gualeguaychú and worked some more. 

we had a good church meeting yesterday but the bishop of the branch forgot to tell me the hymns to practice and so I had about 15 minutes to learn all of them. I said a quick and silent prayer and learned them. it is so cool how much the Lord helps me and answers all of our prayers. I was able to play fairly well too! I have a testimony that God really does answer our prayers and that he loves us! as a mission we have been doing a study on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. and it is so impressive to see what God and Jesus have done for us. By paying all of our sins, Christ made it possible for us to return back to the presence of God. Also, He took upon him all of our pains and sins. He knows exactly what each of us is going through. He knows what will help us in each of our lives. so when I have a tough time, I am going to look towards the Savior for His example and for His advice. God loves us so much to send His Son to die for us. I know that God again has shown His love for us by restoring the Gospel once again on the earth! Love you all! and I am glad to hear from all of you! Chow chow!

Gibbs Elder Austin Elder Gibbs Chris

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