Sunday, November 6, 2011

October 31, 2011

Hellos families,

So this week I saved a life! I felt real awesome for doing it. but not many people know about it. but anyhow, so we were walking from an investigators house out in the middle of nowhere. like there were only fields of wheat for like acres.and we were walking to contact this house. and we did but no one was home and so we started heading back. and I heard this yelping. and I looked to the left of the road and there was a little puppy! there was a train track that went over the river  and the puppy somehow ended up on the other side. and it was scared and like all alone. so I went over it and I happened to have a plastic bag with me and I picked up the dog with the bag cause I was not sure how many diseases it had. lol I began to think it was a mistake to have saved the puppy cause it really seemed to like us and followed us. we tried to find out whose puppy it was but couldn't find out. so we were kind of stuck with the puppy. then a man passed and I asked if it was his puppy. he said no. and so I asked him if he wanted it. and he was like sure and so he took it. therefore, I saved a life! I was quite proud. 

So we also have these dogs that follow us everywhere here! they wont leave us alone. so we ditched those dogs by going in the grocery store and leaving out the other side. it was awesome. lol unfortunately the dogs came inside the grocery store but they were quickly expulsed! or thrown out. lol expulsed works right? any how that is about all that has happened that is funny. 

we had some awesome lessons this week. we decided to go visit this one lady who had once talked to the missionaries. we taught her the plan of salvation. Apparently she has been feeling very isolated and the knowledge that she could be with her family forever after this life was really helpful for her. It was like the first lesson I have been a part of that the person we taught began to cry. it was quite awesome! and it was cool to see how the Lord works through us to help the people. we also found this 19 year old guy named Juan who was quite cool. and also we were able to teach the plan of salvation to a man named Santiago. it was an awesome lesson too. you could really tell that he wants to do what is right. and we tried to help him as much as we could. we are good friends with him and his family. we had some other great experiences this week but these were the main ones. 

Well now my first companion, Elder Towner is going home this week.  it is so weird that he is already leaving. it seemed like such a short time ago when we were companions. time is flying. we are already at the end of another transfer this week. I believe I will be staying in Galves and Elder Glad is going. but anything could happen. but anyhow it was great to hear from you all. hope you all have a good week!


Elder Gibbs

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