Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 4, 2011

So we are yet again at another transfer. I think that Elder Glad will be leaving Galves cause he has been here like 4 and a half months and I have only been here a month and a half. but we are doing alright. we have been doing a lot of walking. like a lot a lot. and its quite hot here. I am getting so tan from all the sun and my hair is getting blonder each day lol. but ya we are doing good.

okay well so we just found out that there are no changes. so Elder Glad and I are staying companions in Galvez. lol that was easy. and I just found out that my trainer Elder Towner just left Argentina to go home after two long years. he is super awesome! but ya its crazy that he has already left. like six months seemed so much time. but it flew. but anyhow. we are doing great here. we have some progressing investigators. who should be getting ready to be baptized soon. so that is cool. lol there wasn't much that happened since the last time I wrote you guys.

oh but we did happen to lose our dogs! that was great!  there was this one dog that followed us for 3 or 4 days straight. lol we didn't feed him or anything. he just liked us. and we didn't like him. but we couldn't get him to leave. but anyhow we entered into the super market last week and he had to stay outside. and then when we left we took another exit and so we lost them. it was great! but ya so we are doing great. the mission work is tough but is going well. I hope that you are all doing good! have a great week!

Elder Gibbs

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