Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 21, 2011 (with Pictures!)

Well another week has flown by! lol I really cant believe that! days go by super fast its amazing! oh I am in a computer lab in the city and this guy just asked me where I was from. haha pretty cool!  but ya this has been a super awesome week! yesterday we ate an awesome asado! Asado is a Argentine barbecue! I cant believe how good they can make the meat taste. they literally don't put any spices on the meat. only salt but they make it taste sooo good! I love it!  but we have been doing a lot of work lately. 

we are teaching the father of the family that made the Asado. His name is Santiago and yesterday, we read about Faith in Alma 32. and we had a super awesome discussion. It compares a faith or a testimony to a seed. and that we need to keep feeding and strengthening the seed so it grows or it will die. just like a testimony of the truth of the gospel, if you don't feed it by reading the scriptures or praying constantly it will die. and sadly that happens a ton. so we are trying to put more emphasis on continuing to do these things after we are done teaching people. we are trying to make the way we teach more effective and to help more people. and the work seems to be going well! and I have quite enjoyed this week. its been a little tough but very rewarding. my testimony is growing a ton! 

but ya. other things that have happened. two days ago we were in the chapel and we were doing an activity and we left and then it began to rain a ton! it was pouring. lol I was so soaked! lol my shoes were so full of water that it looked like I had walked through a lake. but it was fun. we have some really sweet investigators and we were able to teach them. one of our investigators asked us what was it that we are expecting of them. and we were able to answer that we were there to invite them to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through Faith in Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receive the gift of the holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. and that through this we can return to the presence of God. so our goal was to help people return to God. 

it is amazing how many missionary experiences we can have if we just look for them. I just had a quick discussion with the person next to me about Christ. which was pretty awesome!  anyhow, so my companion finished a year in the mission last week. lol so I got to watch him burn his tie. lol it was one of Elder Glad´s finest moments! no he has many finest moments. so yesterday, this guy was telling us that we needed to pray to God to ask him if what we were doing was right. cause he said that if it wasn't, we were leading people to hell. I was able to give my testimony to him that I had already prayed and found the truth. and then my companion did the same. we felt like Alma and Amulek talking to Zeezrom in the Book of Mormon. We have had some awesome experiences here. tough ones but great experiences. But I know the Book of Mormon is a true book! and I love this book a ton! it is written by God´s prophets! and will help us have a more happy and blessed life. and will bring any person unto God! and I am super grateful for this Gospel! well I gots to a go. but I love you all! have a great week!  we are going just keep on working as hard as we can! well love you all!

Elder Gibbs

[Editor's Note:  And now on to some pictures!!!]

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