Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 28, 2011

These weeks have just been going by like crazy. it feels just like yesterday that I was writing you all. and also thanks for all of the letters. they were awesome. 

soo this week, lol we have been facing a lot of bible bashing. lol we are facing some adversity. like this guy invited us over to his house so he could take the veil off of our eyes that have blinded us. lol that was a funny experience. he invited his friend over to come speak with us. they were way cool. and they preached to us about how we need to believe in the same gospel that Jesus taught and stuff like that. which its true. we do need to believe in the same gospel that Jesus taught. it was cool because we were able to testify to them that the Book of Mormon doesn't change anything that it says in the bible. they work together to testify of Christ. but ya, so my testimony is still growing a ton. and we have some really awesome investigators. 

lol and we are going to eat with this family that we are teaching. they invited us over to eat pizza with them. yay for pizza! oh and so Happy Thanksgiving everyone. lol Elder Glad and I almost missed thanksgiving. lol so what we did was we went to this restaurant near our house and bought some beef milenesas neopolitano style. lol they are like chicken fried steak with tomato sauce and ham and cheese cooked on top. lol and they were huuuugggggeeee! lol it couldn't even fit on our plate. I was so tired of steak after that. 

yesterday we found a new investigator which was real awesome! it is so cool how God prepares people to listen to us. this guy never usually likes to listen to missionaries. but we were able to talk to him and find out about him and teach him. he seemed really excited to read the book of mormon. also we have become good friends with this other guy named Oscar and his wife Monica. He would have never sat down with missionaries to talk about God before we came. but we were able to talk to him and teach them. The wife said that she feels a special feeling when talking to us. which we know is the Spirit of God. so we are going to eat with Oscar tonight and we are going to talk a little about baptism with him and his family. so awesome things are happening here in Galvez. 

we reached the middle of the transfer already! I really cannot believe it. as for Galvez, its getting really hot. yesterday was really humid and hard to breath. the air gets so thick here that it often makes us real tired real quick. Also the mosquitoes are eating me to death. I hate mosquitoes. well anyhow, we are doing alright! I love you all! hope you have a great week!

Elder Gibbs

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