Friday, December 16, 2011

December 5, 2011

This week has been a killer. we have been teaching quite a bit. and doing lots of stuff. lol I dont really know what to explain to you guys because the weeks just keep on flying by. 

but today we did have some fun. we went to Santa Fe to have a combined preparation day. we ate Chorri-pan which is just like bratwurst and we played soccer. it was a lot of fun! lol My calves hurt from all the running around. but it was fun to talk with other missionaries and to goof off with them. Not to mention I scored a couple of goals!!!! yay! I also ate like three bratwursts and felt a little sick after! yay!!!! it was just soooo good that I couldnt help myself. 

So anyhow we have been teaching this guy named Oscar Montes. he is really cool! and now he is turning into a member. lol he likes to go around telling people that they have the wrong idea of the mormons. lol He tells them they DO believe in Jesus Christ and they Do celebrate birthdays and we DONT worship Joseph Smith and stuff like that. He likes to tell everyone about their misconceptions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is such a funny guy. He likes to drink a lot but we can change that. We are also teaching his wife. She said that when we come over the house just has a different feeling. the house becomes more peacefull. 

I have been learning so much that the whole point of the Church is about Jesus Christ. The book of Mormon and the Bible testify of Christ. We teach of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we do everything centered around Him. I am getting a stronger testimony of Him and what he has done for me! I am so thankful to have a Savior that loves me and died for me. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that He atoned for our sins. 

So the lady that rents our house is selling it because she cant afford it anymore. So we have been keeping an eye out for a new house or apartment. I want a house with a pool and a big screen tv and stuff like that but Elder Glad doesnt seem like he wants any of that. lol just kidding. I dont want a pool. we cant go swimming. 

Oh and so we found out that on December 25 we will be calling home. so I will give you all an update about that! Well I loves you alls! Keep being awesome! I dont have too much time left! we are going to go meet with a 70 year old man. He´s a real nice guy. so

Elder Gibbs

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