Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 24, 2011

So this week, I did something that scared me for life, I believe. we ate at an investigators house and they fed us something.... something terrible that still gives me the shivers! so we heard that this investigator makes really good canelones and so we wanted to learn how to make canelones which are basically Argentine enchiladas. she made them with a red tomato sauce that was pretty good. just what she put inside made us quiver! lol she put in the canelones ceso which is........ in spanish the or in english....the brain.......................................yucky!!! but we ate it so that we could have an awesome story to share. lol brain has a weird flavor. oh and it was cow brain not like monkey or dog or anything else. we watched her prepare the brain. the are about like the size of like two hand put together. but still it had like this dead flavorrrrrrrr. and I still feel queezy thinking about it. gugh! lol and she thinks we liked it. I hope she doesn't make anything else with ceso. but anyhow that checks off brain from my list of weird things I ate. 

As for the missionary work, it is going great! we have so many new families we are teaching. one guy we found yesterday owns a chicken farm and we were able to see 2,000 little chicks in one like green house kind of thing. lol I can't think of the word for what type of thing they were in. but ya we taught him about the first vision and Joseph Smith and gave him a book of mormon or a Libro de Mormon. it was great. lol the only thing not great was the big walk to his house cause he lives out in some fields of wheat and there were a ton of mosquitoes there. the mosquitoes here are crazy hungry for human blood. lol my arms are all deformed with mosquito bites. but we did see two owls yesterday which was pretty sweet. and lol there is these two dogs that follow us everywhere and one of the dogs followed us to the guys house and almost got attacked by the owls. lol one of the owls like swooped down and tried to attack the dog. so funny. no lol I mean so bad cause the dog would have died. and the dog belongs to one of our investigators. 

anyhow, so we were having a meeting in the chapel and this hermana or sister brought her children. one of them is named Marcos and he is two years old. and so he was playing with the curtains and we saw him twist himself up inside the curtains. and we were like oooooh so cute he is having so much fun. lol and I think he was until he got trapped in the curtain. lol then he started whimpering and crying. lol soooo funny. you could see only his feet from under the curtain and he was just crying and then his mom came to save him. and everyone in the meeting laughed at little poor Marcos. but yes so that is what is happening in Galvez that is pretty funny. also we taught this man, Esteban, and he is way cool. he says he knows what we are teaching him is true. the only problem he has is committing to come to church. he just wants to make sure that once he starts going to church that he will stay active. which is great! Argentina has a bit of a problem with their members staying active in the church. so he has a great desire to stay active. now he needs to get married and for us to teach him all of the lessons. so we have quite a bit of people close to baptism here in Galvez. 

so yesterday, there was voting in Argentina for their president, and many people were not able to come so we were quite busy in church . but it was a great experience. it was the first time I taught all of Sunday school and in Spanish. so that was pretty fun. we had a lesson on tithing. and it was pretty interesting what I learned. I learned a little bit about king Melchizedek that I had not previously knew. for instance, he lived in a pretty wicked and dangerous city and he was called to be a prophet. as his duty, he preached repentance to everyone in the city and the city was turned around from a super bad a wicked city to a righteous God worshiping city. and therefore he is known as the prince of peace. and also that Abraham paid tithing to God through this king. sometimes it is hard to give up ten percent of our income but we have received and continue to receive more from God than we give. also I have been reading in Elder Ballard's book Our Search for Happiness. it is a great book and I recommend this book to whoever will read it. it is a great book that helps us understand life and how to find more happiness in life. and I have come to know that we find more happiness in keeping the commandments of God. its that easy. 

but ya so Elder Glad and I are doing good! lol we had a pretty comical week. lol

Elder Gibbs

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