Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 3, 2011

All I can say is  wow. What a great general conference!!! I learned a lot this general conference. this time I tried to have a purpose for why i  wanted to listen. I wrote down somethings that I needed and then listened. I probably learned more from this General Conference than from the others. especially cause I didn't sleep through this one lol. well okay so I only slept through 2 talks. Talk about improvement. it was pretty cool. we got together with the other missionaries in Santa Fe and watched General Conference in the Stake Center. all the Americans and English speaking missionaries got together to watch it in English. but super awesome conference. Its amazing that we have a prophet who talks with God about how to help us HIs children. 

sooooo how is it going family? I am doing well! I hope all is well with you guys. so I got moved to another state in Argentina. I was in Entre Rios and they moved me to the state of Santa Fe in a city called Galves! Galves is really small!!! really really small. so in a way I am kind of happy! cause Gualeguaychu was really really big. and so we wont be having to walk as far. which is really good. my comnpanion´s name is Elder Glad. He is a great missionary and really obedient to the rules. also he is fairly new to the mission. He has almost a year in the mission. ooohh and also he cooks really well! lol he made a German pancake the other day! lol I was in heaven. so I am happy and I do like Galves, its really chill and calm. they have a train that runs right through the middle of the city. lol I know it was a bit random just to say that there is a train that runs through the middle of the city but I have a reason to say that cause...well no I didn't have a reason to say that. but this city reminds me a lot of Grandpa's city. cause I always hear the train going whoooowhooo. 

so the apartment I am in now isn't as nice as the other one. lol it is actually a house and so it is pretty big compared to the other apartments. the things that are bad are that we have to wash our own laundry......., and it has a bucket shower, and that the refrigerator freezes everything!!!!! lol it was a pretty interesting experience to learn how to use a bucket shower. lol there is like a faucet that pours into this bucket that has a spout. so the bucket fills up and then you plug in a cord that is hooked to this heating devise in the shower. once it is hot, you unplug the cord and open the spout and whalla you have a warm shower. lol you have to be careful and to unplug the shower or you can get shocked while showering which I have heard that it is not too fun to be shocked. and the bucket runs out of hot water so you have to be wise with how much water you use. lol such a hassle. oh and I got shocked two days ago. for some reason the fan´s electricity runs through everything metal and so if you touch any part of the fan you will get shocked. lol I got shocked twice already. lol it was fun....not. but no other wise the new apartment is really great I love it. 

lol on the way back home from the conference I was talking to this one lady in the ward. she has this daughter that is really fun. the daughter is 5 years old and I like to make ugly funny faces at her. cause when she finally sees me she freaks out and says ¨te como!¨ which means i´ll eat you! so funny, she used to say I´ll hit you. but that didn't scare me so she had to change what she said lol. but the ward is pretty good here. it is really small. they have 15 members or so and they meet in a warehouse that has been changed to be a church. but also yesterday I got to see my first companion again, elder Towner. He is doing great. he will finish his mission in like 5 weeks.crazy!! but it was fun to talk to him and to goof off. Before I left Gualeguaychu I had to say goodbye to all of my friends there. pretty sad. the family ortiz kids kept giving me little gifts, like notes and little broken toys. I am going to miss them but its cool I know I am supposed to be in Gálvez now. so is there anything new going on out there. not too much going on here. we have a couple of people getting closer to baptism. I know that God will help us help these people. its crazy how He helps us in our lives. I know that he answers our prayers. He has answered many of mine in the mission. its crazy! and like the prophet said, nothing is too small for God to help us in our lives. but ya things are going great in the mission! Love you all! peace!

Elder Gibbs

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