Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 10, 2011 (Galvez)

Hey family,

How are you all doing? lol I am doing fine. well mostly fine.  We had a family home evening with an investigator and I was murdered by a flock of mosquitoes. I was glad to be their dinner. 

So everything is going real great in Gálvez. my companion and I are getting along well. and the branch here is nice but really small. they have like only 20 members. so we had fast and testimony meeting yesterday and the branch president asked me to bear my testimony and introduce myself. so I did. I told them that I was elder Gibbs, I am nineteen years old and so I am young. lol I meant the young part to be a joke. and it for sure was. apparently I kind of mumbled the word joven which means young and they thought I had said feo, which means ugly. so the whole branch thinks that I think I am ugly. lol so that was pretty funny. I didn't find out till after the meeting. 

But so this week we had some real awesome experiences. we did a lot of contacting this week. lol like a ton. but we found like 3 awesome new families and people. one guy is named Ariel. and we chatted with him for a bit and then taught him about the Restoration of the Gospel. then we gave him a book of mormon. when we returned, we found out two things. one is that he has a pet pitbull and the other is that he had read all the way to 2 nephi! so we were pretty stoked! and his pitbull is quite friendly too. We talked to him a bit about what he had read and he remembered it all. but the only problem is that he works a lot and so he wasn't able to attend church yesterday. 

another person we found was a lady named Gabriela, we taught her the Restoration too. she told us that while we were teaching her, she felt a peace that she has never felt before. and we knew that she had felt the spirit of the Lord. I know that our message is true and it has the ability to bring more peace into the lives of people. and the third family is awesome. we found them while we were contacting. we felt a little impression to go to this house that was not in the direction that we were contacting but we did what we felt was right. we knocked or well clapped ( cause they do that down here we clap at doors a lot) and they let us in. it was awesome! we taught them a bit and left them with a book of mormon. we were coming back to visit them and we found one of our other investigator friends who lived by them. apparently they had talked, but the family said that while they were listening to us teach them, they felt really peaceful. lol they also told them that they thought we were angels lol. so we will see what will happen with them. we are going to teach all of the about the plan of Salvation to them all next. 

but things are going really great. I am loving it here in Galvéz. its a really pretty city. oh and so I was talking to this guy named Santiago and he was telling me about how they eat frogs here. lol yeah, I kind of want to try it. I am getting over the grossness of everything and getting more adventurous about the way I eat. my companion was getting a little nervous when I told Santiago we should eat some frog. apparently it tastes like chicken. the only difference is that frog has a stronger flavor and that its a frog lol. so maybe we might eat it. soooooo well I am running out of time! but I want to tell you all that I love you! and that I know this is God´s true church and that we do have a prophet of God. and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. I know that this Church can bring a greater peace into people´s lives than anything else on this planet. I am so thankful that I could grow up with this peace and in an awesome family! love you all!

Chow Chow

Elder Gibbsy

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