Wednesday, April 4, 2012

March 26, 2012 [with Pictures!]

Dear Family,

How are you all? I am doing great! Had a great week with some awesome experiences! this week we were able to do service for our friend Veronica. She lives in a tin shack and her house was getting overgrown with big grass, which made it hard for her to do the laundry for her 3 kids. so we went and we brought Mariel and Marcia to do some service. It was super fun! everyone had a great time. Marcia, Mariel, and Veronica became good friends. Mariel, Elder Montes, and I had a great time hacking at giant weeds! lol Veronica had a Giant Machete! lol I felt like a knight from the middle ages with the machete. we also had some branch cutters and a little knife to cut the grass. everything was going great. we put the grass in this blue barrel that had been cut in half. so I filled up this barrel with grass and then I put one of our dogs in it and transported our dog around. the dog loved it and I have some really funny videos of it. but when I returned, Mariel noticed that I had a giant spider on my shirt!!!!!!!!! I started to freak out. It was a a huge old nasty old spider! Mariel had the machete and flicked the spider off with the machete. I have some photos of the spider and stuff! afterwards everyone said that they felt so good for doing service. 

I now have a testimonio of service. I know that God wants us to serve others. just like it says in Mosiah 4:17 or 2:17 (one of those lol) that when we are in the service of others we are only in the service of God. I feel so good doing service. next week we are going to cut the lawn of one of our investigators named Marcelina. oh also we taught a lesson to Marcelina with Mariel. Mariel shared her testimony of how she felt after her baptism. The spirit was sooo strong!!! I loved it! and I know that baptism in God´s church is the only way to return to God. Marcelina after this was really excited to go to church the next day and to get baptized. She is going to be baptized the 13 of April! we are working hard and having fun! I love you all! and I know that I am preaching God´s true gospel! love you all! love you all! oh and it has been now a year that I have been out on the mission! lol its crazy! I dont feel like I have been out that long! well got to go! lol I will say it one more time....I love you all!

With love to all of you
Elder Gibbs

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