Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 9, 2012 [with Pictures!]

Hey family,

How is it going? Things are going great here in Argentina. I am just loving the food! my companion has been cooking some really good argentine food. and so this week I had quite a fright! we were walking down this street that we usually take. but this time there was this mean old dog this time. We didnt think that the dog would cause problems. We walked a little bit closer and the Dog started charging us! lol and then it stopped like 4 feet in front of me and started barking a ton. I was so scared! I bent down and pretended to pick up a rock to throw at it but it didnt get scared. luckily the owners were close by and called the dog off and told us ¨dont worry he´s really a nice dog.¨ and I as thinking ya right. why dont you come over here and stare this dog in the face while its growling at you and thinking of a million ways to eat missionaries. but we are okay. lol I just got scared. 

also this week, we did a service project with Mariel for a widowed woman. It was a lot of fun. I was trimming trees like crazy! While contacting we also found this cool family of a Father and a daughter. They have had lots of struggles in life and at times have doubted the existence of God. we taught them the plan of salvation and told them that God knows why bad things happen to good people and it doesnt mean that God doesnt care for his Children. We taught them that in this life we come upon trials to learn and grow. This life is a time of testing and learning and preparing to return to live with God. that was one of the cool experiences of this week! I am doing fine and working hard! love you all! have a great week!

Elder Gibbs

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