Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 27, 2012

Hey family,

Elder Yorgason and I had another great week of running around Galvez. eating good argentine food! and ya. so this week we had a zone conference where we got all together which was way fun. Elder Birky was there and a bunch of my other friends. We listened to some really good talks from the mission presidente and other missionaries. one talk that was really impressive was a talk about the atonement of Christ. One missionary went around handing out candy but for every candy one guy had to do 6 pushups. and only he could do it. there were about 60 of us there. the guy doing the pushups was a big muscle dude missionary. at the beginning he was doing pushups like no problem. but after getting about like halfway around the room, he began to struggle to do the pushups. he finally did all the pushups and was weakened by it all. The guy doing the pushups represented the savior atoning for all of our sins and afflictions. the candy was the forgiveness we could recieve. each person was asked if they wanted the candy. they were given the candy whether they wanted it or not. the guy still had to do the pushups to pay for it. the choice was up to them if they wanted to eat it or not. there were some that said no to the candy and many that said yes. but it was impressive to see and to remember the savior and how he paid the price for all of our sins. we can receive forgiveness from God cause Jesus already paid the price. it is up to us to decide to use his atonement or not. but I am super grateful to have a loving Heavenly Father who sent his son to die for us and to save us. 

I know that Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of his Children. it was super awesome to see the love of God for one of His daughters as she got baptized this week. Mariel was baptized and it was such a great experience! I could tell that this was the will of the Father and that Mariel was choosing to follow God. I was so happy and I knew that God was so happy too! she was baptized yesterday. now we have a new sister in the branch and another person on her way to the celestial kingdom and to live with God forever. I was so happy to be part of this awesome ordinance and Mariel is our great friend. we also visited Oscar, Monica, Yanina and Roman. they are doing great. I am loving the time I have to meet these great people in Argentina. I hope that you are all having a great week! I love you all! and hope that you are all well.

Have a great week!

Elder Gibbs

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