Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 20, 2012

Hey families,

How are yall? we are doing good! Things are still really hot. Argentina is just like one giant missionary oven. and I have gotten a really nice missionary tan. lol my tan stops were my collar touches my neck of my white shirt and then my arms are super browned which makes a super sick tan line right were my sleeves are. and my legs are soooooo white. lol its so funny. such a terrible tan. oh well I will get rid of it later. 
today it rained a ton. It was so awesome and refreshing. lately it has been around 100 degrees and super humid. I have just been soaking through all my shirts with sweat. lol soo nasty. 

but besides the weather this week has been a great week. we ate some Mexican food for the family of Mariel. they are sooo great. we made Fajitas with Guacamole and it was grrrrreeeat! just like frosted flakes. Mariel and Veronica our two investigators will be baptized next week. it will be soo awesome! they will be baptized sunday. Also Oscar and Monica our other investigatores are doing really great. we talked to them about getting married and they want to do it. everytime we go over there we just have such a great time. The spirit was so strong the last time we went to their house. it was fantastic. we have felt the spirit in everyone's house and its just getting more strong every moment we pass with these investigators. we have such a great time with all of our investigators. lol sometimes we have too much fun and we spend like 2 to 3 hours in their house. 

oh and so Elder Yorgason and i bought a big container of ice cream, two litters of chocolate milk two aflajores! sooo good! it lasted about a day. I am now thinking that I need to go on a diet! I am getting a little more puggy around the middle. that is about it that happened this week. it was a good week! and we are looking to have a super good week to come! Love you all! don't freeze to death up there in the north and we will try not to get cooked to death down here. 


Elder Gibbs

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