Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012

This week has been great in Galvez or as Elder Yorgason says in G-town. we saw some awesome miracles and stuff. we really see the hand of the Lord in everything. lol we really do a little part in this awesome work. but anyhow, some awesome things that happened is that this lady gave us some pizza that they had made the night before and it was sooooo good! Also we made and ate burritos that we made from scratch. ya my cooking skills have like multiplied by like at least three. Also we are getting eaten to death by mosquitoes which is nice. lol it has been happening for the last 3 months. we have reached the peak of summer I think. so hopefully it starts cooling down and all the mosquitoes die out. die mosquitoes!!!!!!!!!!! Also our dog is as annoying as always! we still are not able to get rid of it.... no matter what we do. I think the dog only exists to cause us misery and to annoy us. 

ummmm also we went to Santa Fe again and we did some missionary work with the Zone leaders. it was great fun. oh and also I cut two investigators hair with my buzzers or hair cutters. it was cool. the teenage Argentine guys have this certain hairdo that they like. its like a wide mohawk. so I learned how to cut one of those. it turned out pretty good. then I cut his nephews hair. so that was real fun. 

so some awesome things that happened is that we visited the Gaite family. the father had gotten his back real injured and so he was in pain. we went over and gave him a blessing. The blessing opened him up a lot to the message of the Gospel and he told us about his beliefs in God and that he wanted to attend church with his wife next week. we were super excited. Also we talked to this other man named Dario and Gabriel, we talked to them about this and that. we talked about the Gospel a bit but nothing much. then Gabriel asked us if we believed what happened to Adam and Eve really happened. we said it did and that it was part of God's plan. we told them that God has a plan for us and this plan helps us find more happiness in this life and in the life to come. and this opened them up a ton! They wanted to hear the whole plan of salvation and they were asking questions and it was just awesome! we could really see how God gave us the words to speak to them and to teach them His doctrine. It was so great and we are going to go back this week. Our friend Mariel is doing really good. she is super nice and is still preparing herself for baptism. We are going to cook them some mexican food this week! We saw some miracles that happened to her which was so awesome! we can really see how the Gospel is blessing her and her family. 

I am so happy that I have great parents that taught me the Gospel and that I have so many blessings from God. we have had an awesome week! I am loving it here in G-town! my comp is doing awesome! we are having some awesome experiences here in G-town. well love you all! ttfn tata for now!

Elder Gibbs

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