Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012

Hey Howdy Hey,
So how are you all. This week has been good and exhausting! we have made it to the end of the transfer. but we still have no idea if we are getting transferred! its trunking me out of my mind!!!!!!!! gaaaaaaahhhh! lol so this week we started out by going to Santo Tomé which is another city close to us. we did some divisions there and ate ice cream and then we came back to Galvez. I really like the ice cream here. its so creamy and just an icy awesome delicious ice cream! I love it. 

We are doing great though. I am not sick or nothin.  or well maybe a little sick of all the heat, mosquitoes and dogs that have been following us around. we have two dogs that don't leave us alone. one time one dog was following us and it ran way up ahead of us. Elder Yorgason and i saw our opportunity and took it. we were at an intersection and took off running down another street and we lost the dog. lol unfortunately the dog knew that he lost us and so he decided to go wait for us at our home. on our way home, we stopped and visited a less active member. we were seated outside his house when the Dog found us. we were about to kill the dog or something. we guessed that the Dog was at our house but then got bored waiting and started walking back to his home when he found us. he then followed us the rest of the night. I really do like dogs. Like I love Lilly our little doggy. but these dogs are obviously from the devil. they scratch at investigators doors wanting in and they attack chickens and crazy stuff like that. just to make us look bad. lol these dogs are obviously up to no good.
lol but for as far as the work goes we are doing great. we are teaching a lot of people. and we should have 2 or so baptisms in the future. we have a lady named Mariel and a woman named Veronica who are awesome and are getting ready to be baptized. we are still visiting our friends Oscar and Monica and their family. they are sooo funny. its been great getting to know them and share my testimony with them. The Church is true and we have a prophet from God to help us in our lives. I love you all! I got to go! I will let you all know next week if I get transferred. I got to go! love y'all!

Elder Gibbs

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