Monday, January 16, 2012

December 20, 2011

What is up my family and my friends!
I want to thank you all for the Christmas Letters and emails. They were fantastic and made me sooo happy! and they made me laugh. I loved all of the letters! so this week has been a great week! full of miracles and challenges and work and a little bit of everything. One awesome thing that happened is that we found this new family to teach. So Elder Glad and I were gladly walking down the street headed home for the night. Then this kid named Diego stopped us and asked from what religion we were from. We told him and he told us that some of his family wanted to talk to us. so we got the address to them and went to look for them the next day. lol and we misunderstood the address and were searching in the wrong area. but we asked some people if they had heard of the Gaite family. and they said ya they live down this street a long ways. 

We finally were able to talk with them. Apparently, the mom had went to a ton of churches, looking for one that she felt was right but couldn't find one. One of her sons had found a 20 year old Book of Mormon thrown out on the street like 2 years ago and had read a bit of it and even liked it a bit more than the bible. All of her children had attended different churches. one went to the Jehovah's witnesses, others to evangelists churches, and just everywhere basically. But we went and taught them about the Restoration of Christ´s Church on the earth. The spirit was super strong. and we have been teaching them since. lol the last time we went to their house, they had something they wanted to show us......... More or less a day ago they had found a 6 foot snake in their backyard!!!!! lol they killed it. And they stored it in a Jar of Alcohol!!!!!!! lol it was disgusting but really cool at the same time.  it was such a big snake. apparently they aren't very common here. but there are big snakes here. lol and tarantulas also. lol I am going to have nightmares about bugs and snakes forever. but anyhow. Then they showed us another jar of Alcohol with a snake they had found last year. lol soooo funny. I hope I don't find out what they will find this year to come........ but no they are a super awesome family. 

Also we have been teaching another family, and the mom came to church 2 days ago. we were so happy! she also told us she has a desire to be baptized. As of late she has had some doubts about Joseph Smith. We talked about these doubts and said that the way to get rid of these doubts is to pray to God and He will tell you the truth of all things. She also made us some cake for when we came!!!!!!! It was soooooo gooood! Anyhow those are some of the awesome things that are going on. we have some really great investigators. oh and the reason I didn't write yesterday was because we have transfers tomorrow. Elder Glad is being transferred. I have been really grateful for the great companion he has been. He is really a diligent worker and obedient which has been super helpful. my new companion is an Elder Yorganson. so ya that will be cool. but anyhow I am doing good. I have to go cause we have no more time. This Sunday I will be calling at 2 O´clock Argentina time. more or less. lol so be ready with the phone family! I'm sorry that I couldn't get an email out to all of you! I ran out of time! but I did read all of the Christmas letters and emails! I loved them all! They were soooo great and I felt soo good! I love you all! and see you all later!

Elder Gibbs

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