Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012

Wat is up fam!

Thanks for the awesome! emails! so if I am not able to send you all a reply email today I am sorry and I will get one to you next week.  lol I want to send one out to all of you but I am slow of typing. but anyhow we had a pretty awesome week! we planned to have an Asado with an investigator this week. so we bought some meat and some coals and we had an Argentine Asado (Barbecue)! it was sooo good! lol I kind of ate myself sick! or well I stuffed myself.  I had no room for anything else! I was sooo meated out. together with him and his family we ate about 5 kilos of meat! can you believe that? I really cant but it was just sooooo good! when I got home that night I just had to eat some fruit to balance myself out again! lol yes mom I am trying to live as healthy as I can! but I just couldn't help but eat all that meat! just sooooooooooo good! 

but anyhow we had some other super awesome experiences. one was with an investigator named Mariel. She is a mom of about 40 years old. she is super nice and reminds me a lot of my mom. her dream was to be a nun and to help out real poor people. but after getting married she couldn't be a nun and then she saw some things in her old church she did not like. but anyhow now here dream is to make a cake for little kids that have never had the opportunity to eat a cake. she was the one who made the cake for me on my birthday. 

so the experience this week was that her daughter was having a super hard time getting along with her husband. almost to the point of divorce. she asked us for advice. we told her that we really didn't have much advice because we were only missionaries and had never been married. we told her that the only person that could really help them was God. like how God helped Alma the Younger. we recited that story to her. About how Alma the Older saw his son fighting against the church and how God helped him with his son. and she really liked it! we prayed with her and the next day she said that God had answered her prayers and that her daughter was doing better! so that was super awesome! we had some other way cool experiences but I am actually out of time. so I will talk to you all next week!

Elder Gibbs

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