Monday, March 19, 2012

March 13, 2012

Hey fam,

So another week has flown by again and it is now transfer week. my companion Elder Yorgason is being transferred to a new area. and I am staying in Galvez. it was awesome working with Elder Yorgason. He is a great missionary and a funny person to work with. my new companion is going to be an Argentine dude named Elder Montes. lol I thought for sure that I was going to be leaving Galvez and so yesterday I was saying all of my goodbyes. lol and now it looks like I am staying at least another 6 weeks. lol this is going to be a super awkward week. lol that should teach me to not say good bye to anyone until I am sure that I am leaving. lol I did the same thing last transfer. lol so I dont think anyone will believe me next transfer if I tell them I am leaving Galvez. oh whoa is me. lol so that is something I learned this week. 

Also, another thing that I learned was to be more grateful for my blessings. we did service for an investigator lady. she lives in a small, one room, tin house. we cut her grass with branch cutters cause we didn't have a lawn mower. we also took care of her yard. it was so hard to see how this lady and her 3 kids live. I am so grateful that I never had to suffer really anything and I was always well taken care of. but it was a lot of fun helping her out. we didn't quite finish, so we are going to finish the rest this week. oh and also we taught the restoration of the gospel to a family. we were teaching them and having a great lesson the spirit was really strong. then another daughter came in the house and had a ton of doubts. we would say something and she would try to counter it and make it not seem true. for instance about prophets and the book of mormon. then towards the end we just bore our testimonies and she could not say anything. just silence came after. it was quite an awesome experience. we are teaching some other really awesome people!  this week we found a lady named Nora. She is doing really well and is reading the book of mormon like crazy! 

I can see how the Gospel helps people in their lives now. I know that when we put God first in our priorities, He blesses us. He loves us and wants to help us. I love all of you! We hope to have another awesome week! I will talk to you all next Monday! 

Bye bye,
Elder Gibbster

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