Friday, July 15, 2011

July 11, 2011

[Editor's note:  There are two new letters from Chris, one from this week (July 11) and one from last week (July 5).  Read them both!  Sorry I'm so late in posting them!

Como andan mi familia?
This week was better than the last week! Not as much sickness and more work! It was a great week! Also the food has been really good! Lol yes I do have to talk about the food! So it turns out that I am well known in the ward in Gualeguaychú for eating a TON! Lol I swear I was just eating till I got full! And they kept offering more! So what else am I supposed to do! Lol but I do love it! I think when I return I am going to weigh A LOT more than when I left for the field! Besides the food everything is going really good! Thanks for all of the emails! It was way awesome! 

We did the regular thing this week lots of work and not too much success. But we believe things are going to change in this city for the better. We have like 3 or 4 different families we are teaching. We need them to go to church though lol. They keep saying they will but they don't show up. We are going to keep working with them. Lol Spanish is still destroying me! I hope to get the hang of it soon. Lol this little kid came up to me and said something like super fast. It kind of sounded like ´´jasklejfoibnierjwoefjkabihwerigneai´´. Lol like that and I had a look like Elder Calhoun from the movie the Best Two Years! Like what in the world did you just say? Lol I am so glad I have a companion that can help me. The good thing is that I haven't mistaken too many words and stuff. On accident I do occasionally say the bad words that are written on all the graffiti. Not on purpose. I read it out loud. Innocently. And then my companion is like DON'T SAY THAT! And I am like whoops...... but I am understanding most of what is being said to me. And everything is going great! 

We taught a family last night who are way cool and they accepted to come to church next week! So hopefully things go well for them. We are going to work super hard next week! We weren't able to do all the work we wanted to last week because we had a mission conference to meet our new mission president. His name is President Giuliani and is a way cool guy. We left Gualeguaychu to go to Santa Fe! Like a 7 hour bus ride. It was alright. I slept most of the way we had the meeting and I got to meet a bunch of other awesome missionaries. Oh and we actually received the letters that were in the mission home! Lol I finally received some letters from back in June! Thanks everyone for the letters! They were great! I met some of the missionaries that I met in the MTC, but my first companion wasn't there. After the conference my comp and I got stuck in a little city called Parana. We couldn't get all the way back to our home, so we stayed with some other missionaries. Elder Towner and I got word that there was Walmart in Parana! So we went lol! And they did indeed have a Walmart. It was really awesome! 

After we got back to Gualeguaychú we worked the next day. The ward had an activity that was really good! The ward has been struggling a bit but this activity was really good for them. There has NEVER been such a good turn out to activities. They had like nearly 60 people there. The branch is getting more united and working better together. We think things are going to turn around in this city! So we are quite stoked. Unfortunately, the branch president had to move to another city, which was really sad. He was a great guy! But we do have an awesome guy who we believe will be the next president. So things will be alright. All the members here are super nice and we are having a great time! 

I am almost out of time! But just wanted to let you know that I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! This is the true church and it has been restored by a prophet! Joseph Smith was a prophet of God! God called him to translate the Book of Mormon so we could understand and have more of the word of God. We have living prophet, who receives inspiration from God. I know that we are all God's Children and He loves us. He answers our prayers! And He blesses us when we follow His commandments. My life has been blessed so much by my Heavenly Father that sometimes I cannot believe it. I am so glad for this knowledge that I have and estoy muy animado a compartir este mensaje con Argentina! Love you family and friends! You are great! Thanks so much for supporting me! 


Elder Gibbs

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